There are plenty of ways to earn money in Roblox Demonfall, and you'll need all the yen you can get if you want to buy items and new skills. Some of these methods are faster than others, so we've ranked them from most effective to least effective.
sell trinkets
Trinket farming is an effective way to earn money quickly in Demonfall. These are treasures that you can sell to merchants in the village for instant yen, and lots of it. Trinkets are often scattered around villages, so it's best to start farming in a village. Check around the corners of buildings, inside buildings on all floors, outside behind fences – basically, search every nook and cranny of the village. Eventually, you'll develop your own running routine through the zone at the most efficient speed.
Related: Roblox Demonfall Codes (July 2021)
Farm on Trinket Mountain
Trinket Mountain is a large mountain located in Sakura Pass that spawns trinkets at the very top of the mountain. If you start from Okuyia Village and head straight for Sakura Pass, you will eventually find Trinket Mountain. Climbing to the top requires some advanced parkour moves: look for nearby corners where two walls meet to wall jump to make your way to the top. Once you've reached the top, the trinkets are yours.
Image via Fireheart Studio
Even better, you can influence the spawn rates of the trinket. Simply quit the game and rejoin the server to be greeted by a fresh batch of trinkets. There is also sun ore at the top of the mountain, so if you have a pickaxe handy, you have just found another opportunity to earn some money. Do this as many times as you want to farm trinkets. Once done, head to a village and sell your wares to the village merchant. You can easily earn up to 2 yen in a short time just by doing this.
A pickaxe can be purchased from the miner in Hayakawa Village for 500 yen. The Miner is located in the small cart next to a fire, just on the outskirts of the village. With the pickaxe in hand, head to Okuyia Cavern and mine as much Sun Ore as you can. Watch out for NPC demons in the cave, they will attack you on sight. Return the ore to the miner when you're done, and they'll reward you with lots of yen for the ore.
Crystal key boxes
While not necessarily the fastest way to earn money, forging Crystal Keys is a great way to get lots of yen while playing. Crystal Keys open special boxes hidden around the world, such as Okuyia Cavern. If you come across these boxes, you will thank your past for forging these crystal keys.
To forge a crystal key, you will need:
- 1 green horn
- 1 demon necklace
- 10 regular horns
- 10 hours of sunshine
- 500 yens
Crystal Keys can be crafted at Forges, and you can find one at the Slayer Corp.
Related: How To Make Flame Breathe In Roblox Demonfall
Camp near the merchants
As a PVP option, this method is risky but rewarding if you're confident in your combat skills. If you are a demon, you can camp near the merchants to wait for the demon slayers to arrive to sell their wares. Wait from afar so the Demon Slayers can't spot you, then wait for them to finish their deal with the merchant. As the Demon Slayer player comes out of the merchant's shop, jump to kill him and get ready to fight. You can loot their bodies for money once they are dead.
Be warned: you can just as easily lose all of your possessions if the Demon Slayer gets the upper hand. Or if there are more Demon Slayer players ready to fight. We do not necessarily recommend this option due to the risk.
For more Roblox Demonfall guides, check out How to Change Families in Roblox Demonfall and How to Become a Demon in Roblox Demonfall on Pro Game Guides.