Best League of Legends memes (September 2022)

Best League of Legends memes (September 2022)

Best League of Legends memes (September 2022)

Image via Riot Games

If there's one thing League of Legends players love more than having a communicative squad, it's memes. It's refreshing to hear other players talk about the ups and downs of the game and to find a community in creating exquisite memes. Here are the best League of Legends memes of the month.

Best League of Legends memes of the month

It's not a stick, it's a magician's stick.

Best League of Legends memes (September 2022)Image via cherrymeathead

This Reddit post from cherrymeathead is an adorable depiction of our childhood dreams. Everything had a little more magic and imagination, and we'll never forget the good old days.

Take deep breaths.

Best League of Legends memes (September 2022)Image via bzdgnhzz

This Reddit post from bzdgnhzz details the daily anger management struggle some League of Legends players face, and the unfortunate devices caught in the crossfire. It was nothing personal, dear gaming peripheral.

Your death was not in vain.

Best League of Legends memes (September 2022)Image via Emberily123

This Reddit post by Emberily123 illustrates the internal conflict of being a support player. After dying next to the enemy jungler buff, it can be hard to justify to your team why it was worth it. Inside, however, you know that deep room was fair trade.

Related: How to get better at protection in League of Legends

They really are sleeping giants.

Best League of Legends memes (September 2022)Image via Rage2quit0

This Reddit post from Rage2quit0 shows the community's dedication to the True Damage group created by Riot Games. โ€œGiantsโ€ was such a bop, and True Damage had gorgeous skins, but now all we have is Pentakill and K/DA. However, a return is not outside the realm of possibility.

No one is exempt from road tax.

Best League of Legends memes (September 2022)Image via Odeko-Yma

This DeviantArt post by Odeko-Yma depicts the mysterious logic of some junglers and how they steal our much needed gold. No one really understands the path of these elusive junglers, and maybe they never will.

For more League of Legends articles, check out Spirit Blossom Sett is coming to League of Legends and we can't wait here on allgamestips.

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