All Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 Week 2 XP Coin Locations – Green, Blue, Purple

    Week 2 of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 means there's a new batch of XP Coins up for grabs. These coins can be found all over the map and are a fantastic XP boost, and a great way to go through your Battle Pass tiers and get your hands on all the amazing skins on offer this season.

    Green coins are worth 5000 XP, blue coins are worth 6500 XP, and purple coins split into lots of smaller coins, but if you collect them all, they're worth a total of 10 XP. It's a good idea to build walls around the purple pieces before picking them up, as it makes collecting all the smaller pieces much easier.

    All Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 Week 2 XP Coin Locations – Green, Blue, Purple

    As always, there are green, blue, and purple coins to earn, and we know the gold ones will also return this season because of the punch cards.

    This week, there are two Purple, four Green, and three Blue XP coins to collect. As always, the blue coins are hidden in objects that you will have to crush if you want to get them.

    • Blue Coin 1 – can be found in the cash register on the ground floor in Cap N' Carp in Misty Meadows
    • Blue Coin 2 – can be found in the stand electrical box at the end of the green steel bridge.
    • Blue Coin 3 – can be found in a metal pump surrounded by fences outside the Slurpy Swamp building.

    Remember that XP Coins stick around for the entire season, so if you missed them during the week they arrived, you can still pick them up anytime during the season. If you're worried about missing them, we're keeping track of all the different XP coins week by week and building a map that shows where each coin will be this season.

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