It's week two of TNTina's trial, which means that when you've completed 18 of her challenges, you'll be able to take part in her Loyalty Mission. To choose between his Ghost and Shadow styles, you'll need to destroy the opposing group's Dropboxes. To do this you will need to know where to find them and you will also need explosives. Dropboxes only really spawn in built-up areas, so finding explosives shouldn't be very difficult.
The map above shows currently known mailbox locations, with white pins indicating Ghost locations and black pins indicating Shadow locations. Below you'll find screenshots of each mailbox and its location, should you need additional help finding them in-game.
Remember, you need to blow up two dropboxes that belong to the party you don't want to join, so if you want the Ghost skin, blow up the Shadow dropboxes, and vice versa. A little advice here, if you want to blow up two Ghost mailboxes, then head to Frenzy Farms. Yes, he tends to be a bunch of fights and lunatics, but he also has two Ghost mailboxes very close together.