Mecha Morty Skin added to Fortnite to unite an iconic duo

Will feature visuals similar to Rick

The iconic Rick and Morty duo are finally reunited in Fortnite. When Rick Sanchez was first introduced in Chapter 2: Season 7 over two months ago, many players wondered when his grandson would also arrive - if at all, given his small size.

Mecha Morty Skin added to Fortnite to unite an iconic duo

It turns out that Morty is now available for purchase in the Battle Royale game - along with a mechanical costume. Consider a costume closer to Snuffles' costume from the Lawnmower Dog episode rather than one of the bizarre mech costumes featured on the show. As seen in the trailer and in-game, Morty will feature the same cartoonish shaded cel look, much like his previously added counterpart, Rick.

You can either acquire Morty by purchasing him individually from the Item Shop for 1 V-Bucks right now. Additionally, it is also possible to purchase the Mecha Morty Bundle Bundle, which contains a host of cosmetic items. The pack will include the Mecha Morty Outfit, Morty's Backpack as Back Bling, Space Snake Pickaxe, Get Schwifty Emote, and Look At Me Weapon Wrap.

Additional cosmetic items add cool and unique visual effects. The "Look At Me" weapon wrap will add an image of Mr. Meeseeks to your weapon every time you get a kill - referring to Meeseeks "helping" you achieve your goal of winning. Unfortunately, they will disappear with each new game – win or lose. The "Get Schwifty" emote requires a Rick counterpart to recreate a rendition of the infamous "Get Schwifty" song. Of course, the song will be censored to exclude some of the more explicit lyrics.

What do you think of the success of the latest Fortnite Skin? Let us know in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.


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